Lou Kauffman

QC0086: Prof. Louis H. Kauffman: Knots And Quantum Field Theory, QAD

Lou Kauffman

Lou Kauffman: Self-organization and Knot Theory 1

Lou Kauffman talk on virtual Kirby calculus

Keynote: Explorations in Laws of Form — Louis H Kauffman

Lou Kauffman: Self-organization and Knot Theory 3

Lou Kauffman Thursday 10th

Lou Kauffman: Sentience and AI

Lou Kauffman: The Possibility of Second Order Science

A conversation between Louis Kauffman and Stephen Wolfram at the Wolfram Summer School 2021

Louis H. Kauffman, Reconnection number of vortex knots

Sign and Space (Prof. Louis H. Kauffman)

Lou Kauffman: Would AI Outsmart/Dominate Humans? - AI Capabilities and Limits.

Lou Kauffman: What is an Agreement between...

Lou Kauffman: Self-organization and Knot Theory 2


Lou Kauffman continues his investigations of the Witten, Kontsevich and other integrals.

Lou Kauffman: What is a Structure that It can Appear in Contradictory Forms to Multiple Observers

Angel Kim and Louis Kauffman

Louis H. Kauffman​​: Cybernetics, Language and Reflexive Domains

Dr Lou Kauffman(Univ of Illinois at Chicago) Knots, Physics and the Reconnection of Vortices

Physical Knots (public lecture by Louis H. Kauffman)

Lou Kauffman - Cybernetic Tools - Contribution to Discussion Panel at ASC2020 Global Conversation

Lou Kauffman: What Progress or Regress We Made 72 Years After Passing of Wittgenstein